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Facebook Replace Yahoo In Position 2


Facebook is expected to replace Yahoo's position as the most popular site ranked second in the world, and Google is still in the first rank. According to Compete, the social networking site Facebook ahead finally able to Yahoo in January by reaching 134 million unique visitors within a month.

"It's been over 2 years since we saw there was turbulence in the ranks of the world 2. In February 2008, Google finally take over Yahoo and be ranked 1, and never came back down. Could Facebook be the new challenger to Google? "Said Aaron Prebluda from Compete.

Prebluda added, as much as 11.6 percent of respondents stated that they spend more time to open Facebook, compared to 4.25 percent for Yahoo and 4.1 for Google. However, Preblude also berpeskulasi that Google remains the top position, mainly because of Google's Buzz feature, which can put a halt to aggressive Facebook


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